The Symphony for Sugihara
Currently in production
A joint-production deal with Mark Wahlberg’s production company: Unrealistic Ideas.
The making of A Search for Sugihara: A Documentary that follows the footsteps of Kristina's pursuit of the musical project intersecting the telling of the heroic exploits of Chiune Sugihara and how their fates have crossed.
The international release is slated for the spring of 2023.

A Search for Sugihara’ is a sensational story combining the intersection of survival, courage, art, and culture. We are out to capture the untold journey of Kristina Reiko Cooper, virtuoso cellist, as she personally explores the life of the heroic Chiune Sugihara, aka the Japanese Schindler. Sugihara, the Japanese Vice-Consul to Lithuania during World War II, defied orders from his country and chose to do what he believed was right, saving 6000 Jewish refugees by illegally issuing Japanese visas. Inspired by the discovery that her husband and children are alive today because of this man's actions and personally affected because of her own part-Japanese heritage, Kristina has become intertwined in this legend and is now on a mission to share Sugihara’s story with the world through doing what she knows best -- music.